Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"You know you're an ultra runner if....."

Love reading these.......

Your wife tries to introduce you to your three children and you reply "Three?"

You wonder why they don't make all running socks a dusty brown color.

You don't recognize your friends with their clothes on.

Your feet look better without toenails.

You can expound on the virtues of eating salt.

Your ideal way to celebrate your birthday is to run at least your age in miles with some fellow crazies.

You know the location of every 7-11, public restroom, and water fountain within a 25-mile radius of your house.

You have more fanny packs and water bottles and flashlights than Imelda Marcos has shoes.

You rotate your running shoes more often than you rotate your tires.

You really envied Tom Hanks' long run as Forest Gump.

You spend you entire paycheck on running gear, ultrabars, and entry fees.

Have a trail shoe collection that would make Imelda Marcos envious.

Vaseline isn't just for fun anymore.

When the start of a marathon feels like a 5K and you're wondering "Why is everyone in such a rush? Where the ##@@**!! is the fire?"

As an infant you were dropped on your head.

To read the complete list click here.

Gotta run.


One Crazy Penguin said...

These had me laughing out loud.

I especially love this one:
When the start of a marathon feels like a 5K and you're wondering "Why is everyone in such a rush? Where the ##@@**!! is the fire?"

Big Daddy Diesel said...

Nothing beats a good laugh to start the day off

Lindsay said...

i'm not an ultra runner (yet?) but i do envy forrest gump's long run!

Jen Allen said...

Hilarious. Three?