Monday I ran 18 miles. I got a late start because of a doctors appointment. The temperature was bearable because of a wonderful wind. Here is where I run. It's a long flat stretch of county road that changes every time I run it. Above is some sort of crop fertilizer??!! There are so many large pieces of machinery that are used on farms. They are fun to watch in action.

I love horses. I wish they were cleaner. I love to pet and scratch them but I really hate getting my hands dirty. I ran my first ultra with gloves on the whole time because I didn't want my hands to get dirty.... it was quite warm out. :-D
Only a few people commented on the gloves.

Tuesday's run was 24 miles. I don't know if it was the big dose of B12 but, this run was spectacular. The first 6 miles and the last 6 miles are usually the most difficult for me. It takes a while to warm up and at the end my legs are saying "I have had enough", but I had tons of energy and didn't have any rough patches. Woot, woot!

I see lots of odd things on the sides of the highway and side roads. What is up with the single shoe? Any ideas, because I am stupefied!
When running I play a game that I call "What is it?". When I notice that there is road kill I try to figure out what it is before I get close to it. Sounds horrible and disgusting but it really passes the time. I get to watch some animals decay for a good few weeks before they are cleaned up or eaten. I won't look at dogs or cats... I run by with my eyes closed.
Today's run was an 8 mile recovery run. I went out a little harder than I should have. I guess I will take it easy tomorrow. Next week is supposed to bring very hot temperatures so I hope to get my long runs finished earlier than normal.
Gotta run.
Up here road kill doesn't last long with all the ravens, foxes and even bears - they are gone in a day. I did see a dead chipmonk the otehr day on the road but he wasn't there the next day - yum yum...something got a little meal.
Nice job on those back to backs! Name the road kill, I think that's played by a lot of runners
I'm glad to hear that I am not the only weirdo! Thanks Stuart.
Out on my bike yesterday, I passed the sign which warns drivers to 'watch out for little blue penguins, DRIVE SLOWLY'. I see that sign often...but yesterday about 30feet from it were two little blue penguins, dead, run-over...very sad road kill....
I love checking out the things on the side of the road when I am running... saw a snake roadkill this morning.
I always wondered what the stories were behind the one shoe on the side of the road. It has to be an interesting one.
It would be so sad to see a little penguin on the road Cath :-(
On the other hand.... a snake would be most interesting WMD!
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