Lucky for me, I kept my bowels and pride intact!!!!
I chose to try band aids to prevent "between-toe" blisters. The band aid prevented a blister on the one toe I had it on but, created a very painful blister on the baby toe next to it :( The second band aid did not prevent blistering. My search for the ultimate blister prevention still goes on!!!! If anyone has any suggestions please help me out!!! My piggies thank you : )
Extra information that may or may not be useful...... My blistering occurs on my left foot. I get the blisters on the insides of the 2nd and 4th toe.
Ok, I know you use injinji socks, but I have another product for you to try. It's called Blistershield. You can find it at I've found it to work well and has a money back guarantee.
Thanks Derek! I have just placed an order.
Did you ever purchase NuBamboo Injinjis?
No, I still have 6 pair of socks so I'll wait till they start wearing out before I upgrade. I only wear them on runs longer than 10 miles. I hope the Blistershield works for you.
Um, I just lost my appetite. I should glue this picture to my fridge. It's just what i need to keep me slim.
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