Tuesday, November 4, 2008

She's Back!!!

I am back and so lovin' it. I went for my first run in over 2 weeks (5 miles). It was a little more difficult than I anticipated but, it felt so great to get out!! Here I am modeling my new outfit. The arm warmers are so much fun (not new but only worn 2x) they aren't a moisture wicking pair so only good in cool weather!!!! I have several black skorts but they all have subtle differences... these for instance are higher waisted and have 6 inch tights underneath. After my "butt incident" I've been sticking with more modest apparel! Maybe next year I will have a great tight ass and I can wear the spankies again : ) Maybe after P90X!!!! Which will technically be next year.

What wonderful weather... who knew that it would reach 20 degrees (78 farenheight) in November! This must be our Indian Summer!!! It's supposed to be nice for the next couple of days... gonna enjoy it!!! I am going to resist the urge to start running every day. I am going to slowly ease back in. I think that 3 days a week will be sufficient. I am also going to try to hold back on long distances until my marathon training starts.

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