Our trailer in the service dock.

Bob is the gentleman below......

...... Along with answering all our questions, he showed us what everything was and how it should work.

Service guy welding our hitch.

We put Sadie in the trailer for five minutes and she almost gashed her eye out. I'm afraid to leave her alone now. :-(
Andrew is out learning how to drive with the trailer attached. There wasn't enough room for all of us to go for the test drive....... He will have to teach me later.
We are heading to lake Erie as soon as we are finished up here.
Gotta process all this information.
Location:Macdonald-Cartier Fwy,London,Canada
Goodness its all cracking on at an amazing pace. Memory foam should do the trick.
Maybe Sadie needs a helmut when she is in the trailer - and googles...looks beautiful - can't wait to see it.
Wow, this is all so exciting.
Hey, do you have any advice for 'pacing' a friend who is doing a hundred miler this weekend? He's done them before and there are a total of five girls helping out. He has to do the first 50 on his own and then we can join him.
Poor Sadie :-(
Baby Wilt... we are just doing a test run. We won't officially begin the big journey until September 19th.
Green Girl.... I'll send you an email or leave a message on your web site. The best advice is to stay positive and encouraging without being too pushy......
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