Got to see some (partial) fireworks from the patio.
I didn't really plan for this trip/ race very well..... Fortunately, everything has a way of working itself out.
Race morning, our hosts made us a huge breakfast.... Just out of the oven croissants, home made preserves and marmalades, mixed fruit, pancakes, and fresh heated maple syrup......

Fortunately (for me), pancakes sit very well when eaten 40 minutes before a race.
Andrew really liked being able to track me with the RunKeeper app.... But my iphone battery died after 24 miles. Bummer :(
I'll post more about the race once I've downloaded the photos.
Gotta chill.
I am a total fireworks junkie... thanks for feeding my addiction :)
Can't wait to see and hear more about your race!
Sorry that I coldn't give you some better firework shots...... I thought they were pretty darn good for a town of 1200 people!!!
Nice job on the run Stacey! I liked runkeeper. I followed it while I was at work. I was wondering what happened when your battery died. You had me worried! Glad you're OK! : )
That breakfast caught my eye and I forgot all about the fireworks. Waiting for the race feedback!
That breakfast looks delish! Glad it helped fuel your race. :)
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