On a more positive note... Sadie has finally joined us in London. The renos at the condo are almost complete, so she should be well adjusted in no time.

Sadie turned 11 on March 1 (can't believe how fast time flys).
My 100 miler training officially starts this coming Monday..... Sundays and Monday's will be reserved for my long runs, so my first official run will be on Wednesday the 30th (1 week from today).
I am taking this week off to partake in some gluttony and will also be engaging in sloth-like practices.
Basically I'm gonna sit on my arse, drink, and eat until I explode :-)
Do you participate in any pre-training indulgences?
Gotta enjoy it while I still can.
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Sadie looks happy to be with her humans but I bet she will miss Grandma MariLou.
I am glad she is finally "home"
Happy Birthday Sadie Poo
I indulge in beer all through my training! lol
Thanks Gramma Janet
Love Sadie
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