Orlando is looking really good right now.
I ran around yesterday.... got some last minute shopping and packing done. I made sure to get to the tanning salon so I don't fry in the sun.

I waxed, shaved, etc... all my body parts, and gave myself a French manicure. I'm good to go!
I chose to get in my long run yesterday so I wouldn't have to worry about doing it this weekend.
For the first time in a long while, I was really giddy about doing my run. It was my first double digit run since May (11 miles). I have always really looked forward to my runs..... Since the injury, not so much.
The weather was perfect and although it took a few miles to get my rhythm, I couldn't have asked for a better run. Yippee!
Hope everyone enjoys the Halloween weekend! Are you going to dress up? If so, as what?
Gotta shower and then head out on my adventure.
- Posted using BlogPress on my iPhone
I'm going to dress up like an overly concerned father in a reflective safety vest and a huge flashlight.
Have fun in Orlando...
Tee hee.... Have fun trick or treating!!!!
I live in Orlando and the weather has been awesome. I hope you enjoy your vacation
Thanks Kevin! I love vacationing :)
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