I completed the Trail Marathon in Pinckney, Michigan this past Sunday. It was a fantastic course with lots of rolling hills. My quads were shredded! Most people think that the uphills are the killer..... oh no, it's the down hills that cause some serious damage. I walked away with a T-shirt, medal and an age grouper coffee mug ! This run will help me so much for my trail race in Ancaster, Ontario on May 29th.
Until today I have not been able to run. I hoped to get in 20 miles but stopped after 12. I know when to call it quits (sometimes)!
I haven't been posting because I have been pretty bummed. It's so hard to not be able to run. I know it seems a bit deranged.... but I think a lot of you can appreciate where I am coming from. I am disappointed that I didn't achieve the monthly mileage that I was hoping to do.
Fingers crossed..... I hope to get in a few more miles tomorrow.
Gotta run.
And that's it...really! No photos, even of the mug!
I will post a photo once I get back home :) Living in 2 cities has it's limitations! Hope you are well Stuart.
Yea!! Show us your bling!!!
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