Wednesday, March 18, 2009

In search of....

I have been using a tensor bandage to wrap my thigh during runs and when I get sore. I really like the way I can control the pressure. I have a hamstring wrap.... it's got velcro, it's very thick and cumbersome, and occasionally requires adjusting.

For purely aesthetic reasons, I would like to have a tensor bandage that is black. I think that it would look much better when I am wearing black bottoms. I would appreciate any help with this! Please leave a message in the comment section if you have any info!

Yesterday was beautiful! I got in a 5 mile, pain free, run.

It is so hard not to give into the temptation of running farther and faster. I am committed to my recovery and must do what it takes........ even though it sucks @$$!!!! : )


leslie said...

I wonder if some RIT dye would make the bandage black? Or maybe a permanent marker??? I'm a huge fan of using permanent markers to alter the appearance of whatever I choose. :)

Stay committed to your recovery. What you do in the short term will determine what you get to do in the longer term!

Stacey said...

Hi Leslie

I couldn't imagine colouring the whole thing with magic marker!!! tee hee.... my legs would turn black by the end of the run, with all my sweat!!!

Thanks for the encouragement!

Anonymous said...

i love that your running does not affect your sense of fashion-get better soon-i am rooting for you-sistersue