I am up this morning and I am staring a huge pile of dirty dishes. We had a Christmas soiree with a few friends yesterday. It was really great to spend some time with them... eating, drinking, talking, exchanging gifts... then more eating and more drinking!!!!
I had purchased a "fancy" bottle of Evian water (Christian Lacriox designed the label) and had placed it in the snow to chill. When I thought about it a few hours later I pulled it out, only to realize that the bottle had frozen and cracked in half! What a bummer!
I am brewing my second cup of tea.... I have just listened to a voice message from my dad.... he and Janet are coming down today! That helps with some inspiration to get cracking on my dishes.
I have to manage to get in a 6 mile pace run and P90x's program for the day. Starting week 8... diet has been off.... again ... so I am feeling bloaty and heavy and gross. I am going to try to enjoy myself this holiday season... I know that in the end, if I looked back on my life I wouldn't be concerned about having had that second or third macaroon!!
So to all the people in the "I have to watch my weight" boat ... it's Christmas time , be kind to yourselves!! Have a second slice or another helping without feeling guilty because you're worth it!!!!
Oh yeah two weeks of second slices, no point in mentally chewing yourself out on this one!
I think I will have seconds and thirds, and possibly fourths!!
We can all just take lots of laxatives in the new year!!! lol I will be thinking of you guys when I pour my next glass of wine or have my second slice of Grandma's apple pie!!!! Yummy!
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