Saturday, October 4, 2008

Gala.... a huge success! ...Brought to you in part by Next Dimension!

Arrived to the gala where we were brought to the VIP room for cocktails and some muse bouche. Had our photos taken by the Windsor Star and the Windsor Life Magazine folks. The theme of the event was "There's no place like the Teen Health Centre". Their take on the Wizard of Oz! They had one fabulous auction package the consisted of a red shoe handbag, accessories and some killer red shoes (that were not in my size). Drank martinis and some wine (donated by Swanson Estates). If you purchased a $15 martini coupon you could pick out a piece of jewelery from a vast selection out on display. For $30 I received 2 martinis, a ring, and a necklace! I also won an auction for a spa package, cut and colour at my hair salon, and a gift certificate for accupuncture!!!!

Wee bit of a headache today but, that's not gonna stop me going for my first post race run!

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