Only moments ago I was dutifully and sweeping cob-webs off the side of the cottage (I did good dad!).
Now I am doomed to a fate worse than
.... it is death, so there is nothing worse.
Unbeknownst to me, I happened to destroy one particular intricate, painstakingly designed, and specially crafted cobweb.........

..... That belonged to her.
She may not look big at first glance, but check out the nail next to her. It's a carpentry nail, not one of those itty bitty hang-a-picture sort.
I am certain that she is currently plotting her revenge.
She will execute her attack in the dead of night (pun intended) as I sleep soundly.
I will wake up, unable to move, boundin a silk cocoon. I will be poisoned and eventually eaten.
It's been great knowing you.
Gotta run.
yech! You just freaked me out! I hate spiders and that looks like a particularly nasty one!
For a minute there I thought you were leaving the bloggy world...ha ha ha great post! sleep with one eye open
It was chunky..... Like a tarantula. When I went back an hour later, it was gone! I will have a fricken' heart attack if I ever see one of those INSIDE the cottage!!!!!!
I certainly will!!!!
Or, or you'll become fast friends like Charlotte! :0)
Yikes she s big!
Take a dagger to bed with you - it worked for Bilbo Baggins in the Hobbit :-)
I think that if this spider spoke to me and reassured me..... then we could be friends..... Or I'd be insane.
Could you imagine how big this spider would be to a Hobbit?! Eeeeek!
I like spiders but only while I'm awake. When I sleep they must go do what spiders do outside.
You still alive? Is it too late to ask you to leave me your trailer?
I'm pretty sure I'd be having to take up residency in another state if I saw that thing anywhere near me. Yikes!
I never kill the spiders that I find at home but ... I move them to the garden.
Someone should tell the spiders that they are not welcome inside!!!
Had to sell my soul, and that first born thing........ But I'm alive.
For future reference, I'll put you down for the Airstream ;)
That's why I'm coming to live with you!!!!!
Would you try to move this one? I can't fathom it. Funny thing is, if I was at a pet store I'd hold a tarantula no problem. Something changes when animals are in their natural habitat.
It's been wonderful following along with your blog --- hopefully that spider goes easy on ya! ;)
I sleep with one eye open now!
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