I'm uninspired.......


...... filled with melancholy.

I've not been training as much as I should be but, I've enjoyed watching the animals when I do get out.

Beware of geese....... They don't think too long and hard about trying to take you out if you come between them and their food or offspring.

Ducks on the other hand, are generally timid...... and prettier.

Hope everyone has been enjoying the Canada Day weekend!!!!!
Gotta run.
I thought that first picture was of a pair of legs bobbing on the top of the water ...... *patting around the couch to locate my glasses* ;-)
This too will pass. I hope you get your mojo back soon.
Tooooooo funny!
Thanks Char :)
Time to get some Mojovation!
Mojo + Motivation!
That's for sure!! Got any extra laying around? :)
I sure hope you find your motivation soon. Mine has been missing for a while as well with this hot Texas heat and my bum knee!
Sorry to hear about your knee :(
Hang in there girl! I am sending some NC Trail mojo your way!
Thank you Gene...... I need all the help I can get!
What is it about those geese anyway? Every time I run by them I talk to them so nicely and say Hello, tell them how pretty (or handsome) they are. Compliment them on their offspring. And what do they do? Squak and give me attitude! So rude!
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