What started out as a low grade fever and sore throat, has turned into a major sinus infection that has caused tinnitus (continuos ringing in my ears).

To make matters worse.....
I must have rubbed my eyes after blowing my nose (or something equally careless).
Gave myself conjunctivitis (pink eye).
Can barely see or hear...... I'm a mess.
Gotta wait for my prescriptions to be delivered.
Oh dear! So sorry to hear that. Just had pinkeye in both eyes a while back for the first time since childhood. NOT FUN.
Get better soon!
Thanks Paul!
This is my first experience with pink eye as an adult...... Not fun indeed.
HUGS xxx
I've never had pink eye before, I do remember as a kid sticking my finger into another kids eye (they let me btw) and then sticking it into mine and I STILL didn't get it !!!! I won't bore you with my tinnitus woes!
That sucks! Get well, Stacey!!!
Here's hoping you get all better by next week or you can be in isolation in paradise...
Thanks for the well wishes everyone. The pink eye medication is working quickly...... the antibiotics will take several days.
Can't wait to hear and see again!
Oh nos! The one time pink is a BAD thing! Hope you are feeling better very soon.
feel better! i have had tinnitus on and off for years now... that's no fun by itself!
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